When will I receive my items?
All items are produced and shipped from our facility within 3 to 7 business days from the time of purchase. Standard shipping times, then apply. Click the tracking information located in your confirmation email to seem at your shipping details and interval . Deliveries may take longer for international orders because of customs regulations within your country. Please contact us if your order hasn’t arrived within the expected interval .

Where is my item?
You can view the status of your order by accessing the tracking details link in your shipping confirmation email (you will receive this when your product ships). additionally , you'll simply enter your order # within the ‘track packages’ link listed within the support section of our website.

What methods of payment do i accept?
We accept PayPal payment.

Do you ship internationally?
Currently, we are shipping to USA only.

How much does it cost to ship to my country?
Pricing will depend on the country during which you reside and thus the amount of things that you simply simply are purchasing. Exact pricing are often found by clicking “Buy it now” and entering in your address before completing the checkout process.

Your page isn't loading, what’s happening?
Please contact us and tell us about the problem you're having so as that we'll fix it ASAP.

Do I keep getting an error message, what’s happening?
Please contact us and tell us about the problem you're having so as that we'll fix it ASAP.

I just noticed that I chose the wrong item by mistake, are you ready to swap my product?
Please contact us as soon as you discover out that you simply simply have made an error . If we catch the problem before the item goes into production, we'll make the change. Remember, we plan to send your product ASAP so act fast!

I just noticed that I chose the wrong size by mistake, are you ready to fix this?
Please contact us as soon as you discover out that you simply simply have made an error . If we catch the problem before the item goes into production, we'll make the change. Remember, we plan to send your product ASAP so act fast!

I just noticed that I entered the wrong shipping address. What should I do?
Please contact us as soon as you discover out that you simply simply have made an error . If we catch the problem before the item ships, then we'll make the change. Otherwise, we'll got to wait until the item is returned to us.

What is your return/exchange policy?

We understand that there are times you'd possibly not like your Products product, which we provide a 30 day window to return your product for a refund if in unused and excellent condition. If you'd wish to return your item, there is a $20 restocking fee, but you will be responsible for paying the shipping back to us, so on urge refunded you'd wish to contact us before returning the item for return instructions

so on exchange a product please contact us which we'll process the exchange a 20$ restocking fee may apply

What happens if the item was “Returned to Sender”?
If your order has been listed as “undeliverable” and returned back to us, we'll ship the package to you at no additional cost

What happens if my item is damaged?
If your item has any defects or errors on our part, we'll replace the item at no additional cost. The damaged product doesn't need to be returned. If we are unable to exchange the merchandise because of inventory issues, we'll refund you or send you a comparable item of your choice.

What happens if my item is broken after washing?
We strongly recommend reading the washing instructions found on the packing slip of your product. Designs are meant to last after many correct washings. Designs aren't meant to last after being mistreated. If you think that that your product is flawed , please contact us.

What do I do if I received the wrong product or my product is defective?
If this happens, we are truly sorry. Please email us and tell us your order number and therefore the way we tousled . we'll lookout of you and canopy all costs of getting you the right product. we'll send you a replacement product and buy your shipping to send that one back to us. We are human and do make mistakes. we'll inform correct the problem ASAP!